Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Healthy Foods, Pizza

 I came across a website that compared most fast foods in fast food restaurants. Fries, burgers, buns, pizza, bread sticks, meats were some of the things in the chart. One of the things that really interested me was the pizza. The healthiest restaurant that are known for their pizza is Little Caesar's. I personally love this restaurant because of their amazing prices. Coming across this article makes me like them more because they are not only the cheapest pizza, five dollars for a cheese or pepperoni pie, but it is also the healthiest compared to others.

This weekend I had eaten both Dominoes pizza, pepperoni, and the following day Little Caesar's pizza, cheese. I could obviously taste the difference and found it surprising that Little Caesar's has the better pizza and break sticks than Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, etc. While Dominoes pizza was delicious and mouth watering, as well was the pizza from Little Caesar's. The thing that I noticed was the difference in the pizza sauce. In Little Caesar's the sauce tasted not as good, even though it was good, and it did not have as much flavor as the Dominoes. Little Caesar's is very cheap and delicious, I guess you can say that you pay for a greater value, even though their sauce is not as good, that part can go under the saying "You get what you paid for." Now knowing that they are the healthiest, I will recommend them more.

Many people, surprisingly do not know of Little Caesar's and something tells me that if more people know about it, they will lose their healthy name. Majority of the unhealthy fast food restaurants are popular and they are not healthy because they are looking for a fast and cheap way out, this is unhealthy. Little Caesar's is not as popular as other top pizza restaurants. They are healthy and they are also very cheap and I assume that if they became a top pizza restaurant, they will become more expensive and put more unhealthy ingredients to make more and bigger pizzas in little time and fall into the category as other fast food restaurants.For the next few weeks, I will be researching about the healthiest fast food and comparing it to top fast food restaurants by ingredients, taste, and price.


  1. Hey Katherine.... I like your project. The idea of visiting diferent places and restaurants to look for healthy pizza is very good, in the way that us, as readers, will be able to inform ourselves and discover through you healthy pizza restaurants!!! Make sure you detail the pizza's ingredients so we can see the difference!! Have fun eating!!

  2. Katherine! :)
    I absolutely LOVE pizza and knowing that there is a healthy pizza out there makes eating pizza all that more enjoyable. I'm a little curious to see what you will be writing about each week because this seems to me like that type of topic that will burn out quickly. I think it would be very interesting if you included the number of calories, and popularity along with each pizza's price. Other than pizza I think you should also inlude another popular food or drink that Little Caesar's serves and/or dig deeper into the change in Little Caesar's menu over the years. I wish you the best of luck and I look forward to keeping up with your posts!

  3. Hey!
    thank you guys for your comments. First I'd like to address that I am not only going to be speaking about pizza, but Fast Foods in general. For example burgers and looking which fast food restaurant serves the healthiest burger compared to all the other fast food chains. I won't exactly dig deeper into pizza but for the following weeks be talking about different fast foods like burgers, friens, salads, etc.

  4. That's even better!!! Research about fast food in general, It seems like you are going to be busy for the next weeks, trying to find healthy restaurants in town. Luck with that!!

  5. That sounds great! I am definitely going to have to follow your weekly blogs because I am a fast food lover. I had no idea there was any form of fast food out there that was considered remotely healthy but I cant wait to see what kind of yummy foods you find.

  6. haha! I know, Amanda. If we cant stop eating fast foods, the least we can do is go to the healthiest of them all. Thank you guys for the support :D
